Puppet-Making Workshop by Master Puppeteer Markie Scholz

Puppet Making
Event Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Puppet-Making Workshop by Master Puppeteer Markie Scholz

When: Thursday, June 22, 2:00-3:30

Where:  Great Falls Public Library, Cordingley Room (basement)

Audience:  Kids and teens 7 to 15 years*

What:  Markie Scholz is a Master Puppeteer with more than forty years’ experience creating puppets, writing and performing puppet shows, and working with kids and teens. This workshop is designed to give participants a complete experience of the art of puppetry. Participants will make a puppet, learn to manipulate it, write a short show, and have a lot of fun pushing their imaginations! As they move from concept to presentation, they will actively learn the skills of collaboration, cooperation and giving expression to what is on their minds.  

Spaces are limited! Please email Youth Services Staff to sign up: rmcfadden@greatfallslibrary.org OR nrobinson@greatfallslibrary.org

This summer’s dragon puppet show, Dragons on the Case, is Thursday, June 22 from 11:00-12:00 in the Cordingley Room (basement). The puppet show is for kids 2 to 8 years old, and no sign-up is required to attend the puppet show.

This workshop is free. No library card is required.

*This workshop requires that participants be able to use hot glue guns safely. Hot glue guns are very hot and can cause burns. The minimum age for sign-up is 7.

*Children under 8 years old must be supervised by a parent or care-giver over the age of 12 at all times when using the Library. We request that an adult attend the workshop to assist children under 10 or any child who may need extra assistance to use a hot glue gun.